Thursday, November 4, 2010

Rally for 2012

Okay! I'm excited to say that all but 1 of the candidates we actively supported got elected to PA spots!! Congratulations to Tom Corbett, Pat Toomey, Joe Pitts, Jim Gerlach, Mike Folmer, Mark Gillen, Dave Maloney, Jerry Knowles, and Mike Tobash!!! I'm proud to have been even a teeny tiny support to you. 

We, the volunteers from the Berks County Tea Party, had very very exciting time at a Rally Friday October 29 at the Reading Airport. The turn out was great! About 30, if not more of us showed up to help. We did everything we could to make the rally a success. If you are one of those who helped at the rally- Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.  We would never been able to accomplish what we did without you. To those two women who helped me with my kids- thank you so so very much.

I have a personal note here. I had the absolute privilege of being the future First Lady of PA's personal escort for the rally. As a result of my 'job' I got to meet and spend considerable time in the room with all of the above mentioned guys as well as 3 other Governors and Pat Toomey's wife (among others). There was Governor Pawlenty from Minnesota, Chris Christie Governor of New Jersey and Governor Haley Barbour of Mississippi. 

I did not get to spend any time talking with Governor Pawlenty but I DID get to talk with Governors Chris Christie and Haley Barbour. Governor Christie is the real deal, folks! I looked him dead in the eyes and he holds a steady honest gaze. He stated his philosophy to me as the fact that he wants to be a real guy. He wants to be who he is and not have pretense. He stated to me that those who use pretense always get found out. I can tell you from the small amount of time with him I was very impressed with the fact that what you see is what you get.

Governor Haley Barbour. I don't think I can sum him up properly except to say how privileged I am to have met him. He is a fine personable southern gentleman. I can't exactly put my thoughts into words because it wasn't so much of what he said, but who he seems to be. I asked him if he was up for re-election and he told me his term was up. Then I asked him what he was going to do and he made reference to the possibility to a run at the presidency. I thought he was half way kidding, but it doesn't seem to be so. From what I have seen recently I think he may not have been joking.

Governor Haley- if you make a run for the White House I'll support you to my dying breath. I'd give my right arm to help you in any way I can.

I had a very brief but interesting conversation with Pat Toomey. Let me first say how honored I feel to have met him. Thank the Lord Pat Toomey is about to be named Senator Toomey. Sestak would have been a nightmare. Toomey thanked us Tea Party people for our involvement in this election and told me in no uncertain terms that we- the Tea Party- MUST hold those we elected to accomplishing and voting what they said they stood for. I told him we have every intention of holding their feet to the fire- and also mentioned the fact that we WILL boot them out of office if they continue to govern out of the will of the people.

The general feeling I got from the group as a whole was thankfulness for the Tea Party energy. Energy and enthusiasm that is sustained and purposeful accomplishes great things. 

So. Tuesday night was not the end of the war, but only a successful campaign battle. One thing I pointed out over and over again to those guys was that we at the Tea Party will not stop Tuesday night. Wednesday morning begins the push for 2012.