Thursday, September 23, 2010

Put Your Time Where Your Mouth Is!

Let me underscore the need for some form of organizational leadership within the local Tea Party structure. This is the interesting part as to why I am involved as much as I suddenly find myself.

I got a phone call from someone from our local Tea Party asking if I would be willing to volunteer for a couple of hours in a booth at a local fair. I knew I had signed up as a member in name only. Right there at the moment of the call I had a moment of decision. I really hesitated because I did not want to commit to something else. But at that moment I realized that if I turned them down I would be a hypocrite.

While I was at the fair I became aware of an very serious issue within our local structure. There really wasn’t a structure. There were 3 people running the show for a body of over  600 members! They had been carrying the load for over a year and a half and they were burnt out. There I was. A brand new member.  I showed up for 2 hours and already saw the need to be involved. I was approached at the possibility of getting deeper involved and as I thought of it over time, I realized that this is my calling and duty for today.

Here’s the thing, folks! If you are truly FED UP and plainly scared for the future of our country stop complaining and get your rear in gear. I serious. No. I’m deadly serious.

We are at a crossroads in American history. Which way will we go? Will we continue in the freedom and independent spirit that makes us uniquely American or will we slip into a fascist (yeah. I meant fascist- more on that later) type of government? Will you wait till it’s too late?! When your children and grandchildren are grown will you be able to look them in the eyes and tell them how you did everything in your power to fight the forces that are leading to tyranny?

To those of you who are sitting around complaining I am telling you to wake up and get off your duff! Stop name calling. Stop whining. 

There is a statement in the Bible which sums it up perfectly. It is used to speak to those who say they believe but do not do anything  that reflects their belief. If you do not act like you have faith then you make your faith void.

“Faith Without Deeds is Dead”

Political will without action is worthless. So shake off the fog in your brain and make a few phone calls. Commit to the next few months to work with gusto- and then don’t quit. 2012 is coming.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Why I joined the Tea Party

I'm just a regular American Mom. I have three kids and a husband that I genuinely like being with and a very happy life right here in Pennsylvania. I have the pleasure of being a stay at home mom. I love my life just the way it is.

I never considered political involvement. NEVER. I figured all those government issues were pretty far off. I read the news, listened to talk radio, discussed issues with my friends and voted regularly. But I never had any real aspirations for participating in a political movement.

I started to get concerned a while before this administration took over. There are many things out there- that if you do a little digging- (I mean real information- not opinions and conspiracy stuff) you will find. I started my own investigation into some things a while back which were pretty alarming. But I'll get to that later. That wasn't even a catalyst for my involvement other than trying to educate others awareness. 

I guess it seemed a bit far off and really unlikely. I could not envision anything really happening any time soon. I mean really. The great experiment of a free society was a success. Liberty was a sure bet- at least for a long time. I could not really imagine that things would turn so quickly.

As soon as I heard Barack Obama speak I knew the danger. I didn't have to know about any shady Chicago style political dealings, hate filled preachers and strong ties with a domestic terrorist to immediately sense that danger. President Obama is a very smooth talker. He can sound so reasonable and caring. His voice resounded with authority- and most of all - PROMISES. Promises of a better life, a better future and that all too familiar slogan of 'hope and change'. Reaching across the aisle, open government dealings, racial reconciliation, environmental protection and conservation, the end of a nasty and unpopular war- all that and so much more promised just in his silky charismatic way. 

I really became very concerned when I realized how MANY people were falling for his act and getting caught in the trap of charisma. Handsome, black and optimistic coupled with a lot of ear tickling swarmed in and swamped the minds and hearts of the vast majority of Americans. That was one of the scariest realizations of my life. How easily a people can be swayed in a cult of personality.
Fainting in the aisles. Children rushing to publicly speak their thanks to such a wonderful man.

I should not have to point out the results of another man coming to power during another period of time in Europe, which resulted in the swift and sure demise of one form of government which lead to a nearly successful eradication of a people group. I'm not saying that President Obama is someone who would commit genocide. I'm just pointing out the fickle will of the people when caught in this kind of cult of personality.

Really, if you think about it, President Obama is not solely responsible for getting elected- is he? He didn't force his way in. He didn't take over the country during a military coup. (not yet) We the People spoke loud and clear about our desires. We the People refused to really THINK about our choice and instead 'felt' our choice during that election.

When he and his party bought the car companies, added 22 new bureaucracies to enforce (yeah, I mean enforce) our health care choices and appointed un-elected 'czars' to rule over us I got riled. When they saddled us with incomprehensible debt- also something we didn't approve I got angry. So many things made me feel powerless and defeated. None of us knew what to do. It was like drowning without a lifeguard.

But it wasn't until I realized that our government representatives were not listening to their constituents that I began to feel the urge to fight- I mean duke it OUT! The senators and congressmen who refused to meet the people in town hall meetings- the subtle (and not so subtle) messages periodically sent out to to citizens to spy on others and encouraged to report out spoken people who opposed the health care fiasco- The systematic and seemingly intentional attack upon the free market system-and apologizing to the world for who we are.

It's funny. If you know me at all you know I live and breath a contrary existence. When the White House site asked for people to e-mail reports against those who spread 'misinformation' about the health care bill- I went to the site and reported myself. I gave my address and full information and said something to the effect of: 'I hereby report myself for frequently and openly opposing the health care bill. I talk to everyone about it and even call into talk shows to spread the so-called 'misinformation'. I even go so far as to send and forward information via e-mail. This is my address and add me to the list of suspected extremist terrorist right-wing radicals.' 

I also joined the Berks County Tea Party. You know- just to be on the list of dissenters. Name only. I had no real inclination to get involved but that changed fast. More on that later. For now- bed.