Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Get ANGRY and Volunteer!

I was listening to Dr. David Jeremiah as he was speaking about a book he wrote called, “The Fall of the American Economy”. He threw around some numbers I am going to share with you. We are going to look at the situation with the interest we owe as a nation.

First, let me start off with this. Do you have a mortgage? I do. I'm trying to sell my house and I had to look at how much we owe on the house to determine how much we absolutely MUST get from the sale of the home. We have lived in the house for about 3 years. I have paid over $43,000 for the privilege of living in my own home. Want to know how much of that went toward principle? About $4,000. So much for it being better to own than rent. I'm sure you can relate. It's the same with our credit cards and auto loans. The amount of money you will pay to get out of debt is far greater than the money you borrowed.

I am sure you are aware that we beg and borrow money from other countries all over the world. We owe:
China 798.9 Billion
Japan 746 Billion
Oil Exporters 188 Billion
UK 230 Billion
Caribbean Banking System 169 Billion
Hong Kong 142 Billion
Brazil 156 Billion
Russia 122.5 who we had no debt with as of 2007.

In 2009 Income Tax revenues were 904 Billion Dollars.

We paid 383 Billion Dollars just in INTEREST! That is about $.40 of every dollar collected last year. This is NOT PRINCIPLE!

According to the Congressional Budget Office over the next decade we will accumulate 9 Trillion dollars in new debt. 4.8 Trillion of that will be in interest.

We are accumulating interest at an alarming rate:
$41 Million/hour

If the countries we owe were to raise the interest rate even 1% it would cost us and extra $80 Billion which is equal to the Energy and Education budget lines.
A principle we should consider is this:
The longer we go without fixing this the more we put ourselves under the control of the nations we owe.

In a book called, “A New Economic Disorder” author Larry Bates states this: “Today in America we are living in a fool's paradise. . .the money manipulators have successfully created the illusion of prosperity through the most massive creation of debt and paper money that has ever been seen in the history of the world. That debt bubble is about to burst again. . .”

The word “Trillion” is being spoken of very lightly in Washington these days. We should be VERY VERY troubled by this. Let me give you a couple of pictures of what a Trillion looks like:
A Trillion is:
A million millions
A thousand Billions
A stack of 100 $100 bills is $10,000
100 Stacks of $10,000 is 1 Million Dollars
100 Million Dollars will fit in a cube sized industrial Pallet
1 Billion Dollars will fit in 10 pallets
1 Trillion Dollars will fit on 1000 pallets which would fill an entire warehouse

How long do you think it would take to count to a trillion? Is you counted one number every second- no eating, sleeping or anything else you would count to:
31,536,000 seconds in a year
315,360,000 in 10 years
Somewhere before 32 years you will have counted to a billion
Somewhere before 64 years you will count to 2 billion.
In 500 years you will count to almost 16 billion.

It will take you nearly 32,000 years to count to 1 trillion.

In other words, the prosperity we all, as Americans rely on as an absolute truth is a deception and falsehood that absolutely MUST be revealed! It is an illusion which law makers are desperate to hide from us because if we knew we would all rise up in anger against them!

I don't know what it will take you to get angry if you aren't angry yet!

We must NOT rely upon others to bring these things to light! We must not rely on others to act. The time for action is NOW! We must DEMAND a balanced budget.

The projected deficit spending is staggering. We don't have that kind of money! We already owe more than we can afford to pay back. We MUST fight with urgency TODAY! Let's give a clear message. Overspending is NOT and option. We can't be funding all sorts of entitlement programs. We don't have the money. We can't waste money on budget killing earmarks and special pet programs. If we keep spending this way all our children and grandchildren will live in utter poverty.

You know what a Ponzi scheme is, right? The most famous pyramid schemer in our nation is Barney Madoff. His name is practically a household joke. Now the thing we need to realize is- the Federal Government is involved in exactly the same criminal activity as Madoff- only far worse! This is treason against our nation and it must be stopped! Stand up now. Work hard TODAY. Evil reigns while good men do nothing.

We are organizing an AWESOME event called Meet the Candidates. There are a number of ways you can get involved. We need a number of volunteers to accomplish our part in educating the people of good solid conservative principles. We need people who will:
  • Direct traffic and parking
  • Help set up chairs and decorations
  • Tear Down and clean up after the event
  • Man tables in the back. You will be selling pins, signing people up to join our group, collecting donations and giving our information.
  • Pass out and collect ballots
  • Collect questions from the crowd for the question and answer time and then boil the questions down to a few common questions
  • Collect donations
  • Greet guests and help with any special needs, etc. . .
  • Bring flashlights

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